What is it?
With more than 200 program centers within the US and Canada, Adult & Teen Challenge is a faith-based non-profit headquartered in Ozark, Missouri. Its mission is to provide teens & adults freedom from addiction and other life-controlling issues through Christ-centered solutions. For over 40 years they have developed curriculum to help people learn to live a new life in Christ, drug-free. Through effective discipleship, mentoring and life-skills training, ATC USA and its affiliates have seen positive outcomes and radical life-transformation throughout its 60+ history.
Why use it?
Adult & Teen Challenge largely serves clients very similar to that of rescue missions and share many of the same values. Their curriculum is designed particularly for the type of clients that most rescue missions serve. You can use the same materials that have impacted thousands of lives through the ATC ministries to introduce your clients to Christ and give them the opportunity to learn necessary skills for a new life.
Who uses it?
The curriculum is used across the United States and around the world in Adult & Teen Challenge centers. Churches use the materials in youth groups, Sunday school classes, and in small group settings. Counselors and pastors use the materials with those they help. Other residential ministries have been using the. They also recently developed a partnership with the Citygate Network to promote it among members.
How do I get started and what does it cost?
There’s a lot of different curriculum pieces, but a complete 6 book set of the newest series “Breaking Free” is $40.50 per student with the Citygate discount.
Where do I get more information?
Citygate Network Members can get started at: https://store.teenchallengeusa.org/citygate/
Their primary Addiction Recovery Curriculum is Breaking Free: https://store.teenchallengeusa.org/breaking-free/